Listed below are some indoor and outdoor tasks to help you get ready for colder weather and make the indoor atmosphere feel as fresh as possible.
🍂Vacuum your mattress and spray with disinfectant like Lysol
🍂Get out the heavier bedding
🍂Clean blinds, drapes and carpets.
🍂Perform a furnace check and make sure to change the filter and keep several on hand, other heating appliances like space heaters should be checked also.
🍂Wood burning stoves and fireplaces should be cleaned along with ducts and chimneys.
🍂Check doors and windows for drafts and caulk as necessary.
🍂Make sure your car is ready for the inclement weather by ensuring tires are in good condition, emergency blankets are in the trunk, first aid kit and survival bag are restocked if necessary
🍂Winterize the lawn equipment and tools, and get the snow blower ready for use
One the most important tasks is to clean your rain gutters and down spouts. A spatula or small hand held garden shovel works great to clean out gutters.
A snake may be required for the down spouts.
Install heat trace on the roofs edge.
Fall is the perfect time to clean out and organize the garage. Take an inventory of what is in the garage and separate everything into 4 categories:
1 Tools or equipment to store until spring and summer, move towards back and less accessible space in garage
2 Tools or equipment needed for winter months, move to the front or to an area easily accessed
3 Items to give away
4 Items to get rid of

Should you need a dumpster to help with your cleaning and organizing, mention this blog and get an extra $20 OFF the quoted price of your dumpster.
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